

A poem Voices come and go They stay not for too long  in my mind or another's; a fleeting thought makes me think whether it will be fine to know or to blink I think with the voice but it does not acknowledge me at times  and then I know that it is fine to not think

The Pupil and the Master

“Poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master,” Leonardo da Vinci I am a Seer, not as accomplished as my ex husband but a Seer still. I first met him in 1995.  I thought that he could be my Guru, my better and we got married in 1996. And so I became his follower but when he became angry and violent then I decided to start a new life and this away from him. This decision was made by me after 15 years of a marriage which was always on the rocks. And so in 2011, we decided to separate. We separated but he did something that still hurts and which was to take my three children away from me as well as most of my money. And so I had to become my own Guru and in 2015 became as good as him and a Guru myself. The pupil had now become the Master or the Guru?  Here I pay homage to Leonardo da Vinci who was not just a really good artist but also a scientist as well as a musician amongst other things. And this as it was the study of Meditation & Science which made me realise that we are all

The Voice

I begin this note with a quote: “If you hear a voice within you say, “You cannot Paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced” - Vincent Van Gogh Vincent had a Mental Illness and which was that he could hear voices. I probably read this in the NGA or I could have also read it in my sister’s books when I was in year 11. A Voice once asked him to cut one of his ears off and he did. But he was an amazing artist as most know now and tried to keep the Voice that used to bully him at bay, especially, when he was painting. I, for one, started to paint and sculpt when I was in primary school and could probably draw before that too. I also started to sing, probably when I started to talk and this as my mother was a singer.  I have now been assessed with a Schizoaffective disorder and am being treated for Voices & visions that used to reveal distressing truths to me (!) and I am on medication. My three sons have been entrusted into the care of my ex husband and his famil

I am only passionately curious

  I begin this second letter of mine with the following quote:  “I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious,” said Albert Einstein, Scientist and proposer of Theory of Relativity. And so as he made important contributions to the field of science it is important to note that for any big discovery one has to have a curious nature which fuels the imagination and propels one into making amazing discoveries. However, one does need to stay with the strength which makes one’s imagination move one forward. So, he was being modest by saying that he had no special talent, although, in my opinion his was a great mind which could think outside the square and associate with other thinkers in the world. It has been noted that he met and had a discussion with the Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore regarding what is the meaning of reality amongst other things. I was unable to read the whole text as my phd proposal with the ANU did not come to fruition. This was in 2008-2009. However, I

The meaning of life and other things

And so I begin my letter to you with this quote:  "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." Pablo Picasso I found it on the internet and I liked it. So what is it that we would like to leave behind for others or rather give away to others while we are still alive. Will it help to make someone happy? Isn’t it important to be nice or rather my question is why is it not important to be nice anymore when artists like Pablo Picasso have gone on to leave behind an amazing legacy for their admirers and well wishers. Is it because when we leave something for others to ponder over then we leave a part of ourselves open for scrutiny. To be honest, I only learnt of Picasso when I was 15 years old and that through (obviously) text books. I am now 50 and 51 soon and it is nice to think that there are those who find their gift and share it with others. Although I have also heard since then that Picasso was not as good as his amazing art made him o