The Voice
I begin this note with a quote: “If you hear a voice within you say, “You cannot Paint,” then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced” - Vincent Van Gogh Vincent had a Mental Illness and which was that he could hear voices. I probably read this in the NGA or I could have also read it in my sister’s books when I was in year 11. A Voice once asked him to cut one of his ears off and he did. But he was an amazing artist as most know now and tried to keep the Voice that used to bully him at bay, especially, when he was painting. I, for one, started to paint and sculpt when I was in primary school and could probably draw before that too. I also started to sing, probably when I started to talk and this as my mother was a singer. I have now been assessed with a Schizoaffective disorder and am being treated for Voices & visions that used to reveal distressing truths to me (!) and I am on medication. My three sons have been entrusted into the care of my ex husband and his f...